What does "test type" mean?

When creating a new test, one of the first choices you have to make is the "type" of the test. In this article we'll introduce the three main types of tests: Designer, Analyze videos only, and API.

Before going into detail it is important to realize that the type chosen primarily influences who is responsible for stimulus presentation and who is responsible for data collection.

  1. Designer: you design your test right in our portal, once you're done just send participants to us and we'll take care of stimulus presentation and data collection.
  2. Analyze videos only: you upload prerecorded videos of your participants to our portal and we'll perform the analysis. You will need to perform the gaze calibration routine yourself and upload the recorded calibration data to our portal, otherwise only emotion and heart-rate data will be available.
  3. API: directly upload videos and calibration data to our server using your own software.